This is Scott, Kim, Makena and Sean Ubele. They are a humble, loving, caring family with a story very personal to us at Fisher Experience. Scott has battled cancer on and off for the past 13 years. 3-1/2 years ago – the week that his first child was born – he underwent surgery to have a cancerous tumor removed. The day-long surgery changed his life forever. This past March the cancer returned. Kim took a job working from home in order to care for her husband and two children. Then, on September 7th, 2016, their 3-year-old daughter, Makena, was med-flighted from a New Hampshire hospital to the Boston Children’s Hospital. Kim and Scott celebrated their 10-year wedding anniversary by Makena’s bedside. Makena has been diagnosed with Atypical HUS, which is a life-threatening disease. She is currently in a medically-induced coma, and is fighting for her life.
Your donation today would be going towards the medical expenses that have and continue to accumulate for the Ubele family. Thoughts and prayers, of course, are always welcome. |